Checking In And Checking Out - The historic Adolphus Hotel is the quintessential Beaux-Arts style hotel. With its caved stone lions, frolicking putties, crowned kings and lovely maidens covering the facade, it's no wonder the Adolphus has more ghost than any other hotel in Dallas. But are these spirits based on real people who met a tragic end while staying at the hotel? Digging through the Dallas Morning News archives it becomes clear that from the opening day on Oct 5, 1912 the hotel immediately became a celebrity hangout and a central hub for all city and culturural meetings. That makes for a lot of headlines to sort out, so my research to date is based on the years between 1911 - 1917. During that time 6 people died at the Adolphus: 2 suicides, 1 carpenter falling down a pipe hole and 3 people falling down the elevator shaft. No disgruntled brides as of yet. More to come... 1321 Commerce St. Dallas TX.
All Images copyrighted by the artist, Brad Ford Smith 2023